Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kealy, Get Your Head Out of Your Ass

Kealy, maybe you're a good guy, but you seem to have managed to shove your head so far up your ass being pissed off at the anonymous posters that you can't actually read anymore.

There are several posters to this blog. Two of them, Corinna and Shane, use our real names (i.e., not anonymous). If you knew anything about either one of us, you would realize that both of us can probably speak more intelligently about doing things on the internet that come back to bight you on the ass than anyone else you know.

The previous post isn't about the guy's fucking birthday or the fact that he's drinking under the age of 21. I drank every weekend from my first weekend at UNR when I was 18 until I turned 21 and then I kept drinking. You know the one thing I never did when I was under 21: I never posted a comment, a note, an event, etc. where I explicitly said I'm going to get drunk this weekend. And even now, I try to avoid it.

But even today, that is probably not enough. I don't care if the event is closed. Unless you're sure every single person on your friends list is actually a very good friend who won't burn you, don't post shit like that. Employers Google current and potential employees. They look to see if someone parties a little too hard. If someone makes a sexist comment (e.g., women flowing like salmon). If someone makes a comment about not liking work. You have to be smart about your "digital footprint".

College is, despite your beliefs to the contrary, not some magical fairyland, with a magical barrier with delightful little gnome guardians to keep out the big bad world, where you get to prance around doing whatever the fuck you want until the magical day when you graduate and get teleported to the "real" world. You and Neben, and all of your colleagues, are over 18. You are legally adults. You break the law, you get caught, you get a criminal record. If the University finds out or is involved, you're probably going to go through some disciplinary proceedings and could end up with a disciplinary note on your transcript.

I don't care if this guy drinks every night between now and when he turns 21. What I do hope, as he is supposedly a leader, is that he has the common sense not to advertise it. I hope all 22 people around that table realize it. Ask Reilly, he almost ended his ASUN career playing what he thought was a practical joke. Ask me about the real world consequences of breaking the law while in college.

You've got people who experienced the consequences of not being diligent enough giving you advice and you're getting yourself so worked up over some perceived slight you can't even comprehend the message. I would suggest you try and pull your head out of your ass and actually read, but I don't imagine that will work. You've probably already shut down and are trying to figure out a way to respond and completely ignore any value that might be derived from the post.


  1. OOOOOO! My very own lupi poopy topic!!!!

    I understood your argument:

    "c) Publicly advertise a huge party with underage, binge drinking far from where any emergency services can reach if something goes seriously wrong."....'That is poor judgement, bleh bleh'

    But, 1. Do consider that the event was closed....Hardly a red flag.
    2. Yeah, okay, its not the best judgement, but who are you to play ASUN mommy and daddy? You said "Ask me about the real world consequences of breaking the law while in college."
    Ok, lets elaborate. The way I see it, the best thing you ever did for ASUN was get new windows put on a Campus E van. So thank you for reminding us that you are an example of what the consequences are of acting like a jackass. Beyond that, people in ASUN shouldn't look to you for a damn thing regarding ASUN, as you have proven to be unworthy to give such advice. The entirety of your ASUN legacy is pretty much your fast pitch at an ASUN van....Fail. And Corrina? She has what ASUN experience? Being a critic is just too easy. But to give credit where it is due, she did try to be appointed as a COBA Senator, so that is something.

    I get the understand what you kiddies are trying to say....If you drink underage, be more responsible. But still, as I said before, YOU CANT TELL ME YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO.

    Oh, and as far as breaking the law goes, Neben hasn't broken any laws yet. Just saying that you are going to drink underage isnt a crime. So until the fun police (be it you guys or University Officials) catch him or collect evidence that he has done anything wrong, then there is no legal action that can be taken. With that said, why would you post a blog coming after him before first making sure that he has in fact already broken the law, or that he ACTUALLY intends to follow through with his facebook plans?

    You guys are cute....and sad.


  2. "Celebrating one more year of illegal drinking..."

    Implying that there already has been illegal drinking. This would be more fun if Kealy wasn't just pissed because he's trying to have an argument with people smarter and more right than him.

  3. "Celebrating one more year of illegal drinking..."

    Oh, yeah! that evidence would really hold up. Hell, thats just as good as a breath test, or blood work even.

    More right than me? WTF?

    I also like none of my points are ever addressed. Eh, I'm bored. Take care.


  4. Hold up it court it won't, but the standards of evidence and burden of proof is much, much lower in the university conduct setting.

  5. Death On A TriscuitMay 21, 2009 at 2:16 PM

    No one will give a shit. U.S. Senators wouldn't even care because they got shit faced in college, just ask Clinton, aka Martini-weenie. Even our state legislators most of them would rather have a beer with us than talk about politics. Thanks, but your a douche bag. Nothing on this post actually ever happens. Nice try but its just talk.

  6. Because we all know US Senators are upstanding, admirable citizens.

    And it does happen:

    But, being a douche bag, I must just not be reading very well.

  7. "College is, depsite your beliefs to the contary, not some magical fairyland..."

    Awesome paragraph. I couldn't agree more.

    Kealy, I applaud you for continuing to prove that the ASUN Senate is just a band of clueless individuals. (except for one or two people)

  8. This is all very serious! this is what can happen when collegiate student government kids drink before they are 21!!!!!

  9. Wow! Can anybody say red herring? If you get the point, argue the point.

  10. Uh oh....VLEG decided to take a step down from their self-righteous "guiding the lost sheep" facade and make a personal attack on Senator Kealy. The funniest part is that VLEG just killed their credibility. You can't masquerade around pretending to be the saviors of ASUN and then get caught in a petty yelling match—speaking of PR. I hope everyone can now see all of you for what you really are, a bunch of bitter, self-serving assholes. It's easy to preach altruism, but it's much harder to live it. What does VLEG stand for? VLEG hopes to get back at all of the stupid kids in ASUN who only got elected because of how “popular” they are. Those same kids that get positions over people like Thorny and Corinna because they can actually connect with the student body. Would your really go so far as to say that the students of this campus are too stupid to pick what’s best for them? Who are you to say that you can run our government better than the very people elected to serve us? As far as I’m concerned, any person who thinks that the students of this campus are too dumb to look out for themselves is unworthy of holding office. And any person that stoops low enough to strike out when taunted is incapable of truly selfless acts.

    Congratulations! Say hello to the new juicy campus!

  11. P.S. Congratulations Mr. Kealy! You managed to bring out their true colors!

  12. Anonymous,

    Clearly, you missed the whole point of this. They may be college students, but it gives them no excuse to act like misguided 16-year olds. There is a time for fun, and there is a time for being an adult. Adverising when you are going to have fun however is not the way to do it. Keep it yourself and your friends, not the public records of Facebook.

    It's clear that those who are running the government right now are not the brightest of the bunch, the majority of them at least. The fact that Sean McDonald was a member of the somewhat successful 75th session shows that he would b better equipped right now than some people.

    Throwing out an Ignoratio elenchi isn't the best way to make your case.

  13. By the way, how exactly does name recognition show that you can connect to the student body?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm trying to make sense of this whole dialog. What I'm piecing together is this:

    1. VLEG says: Wow, Neben pulled a dumbass move. He should be more responsible as a campus leader.

    2. Cheese aka Kealy argues that underage students should drink, screw and go to class, and that VLEG authors needs to grow up.

    3. VLEG (Shane) says: the point isn't underage drinking, the point is advertising your intent to commit a crime is stupid and detrimental.

    4. Cheese aka Kealy says it's a private event, and don't ruin the guy's birthday.

    5. VLEG (Shane) tells Kealy to pull his head from his ass because it isn't about drinking under age, it's about advertising it to the interwebs.

    6. Kealy says: Yeah, but you should have better things to do than notice a party advertising illegal activities. Also, Kealy explains he doesn't know what conspiracy is (NRS 199.480) .

    Do I have this more or less correct?

    If so, I'm at a loss to understand a few things. Maybe Kealy can help sort this out.

    i) Kealy, you seem to strongly believe that student body leaders have no obligation to be exemplars of student conduct. You also criticize us for noting a rather flagrant breach. You are defending conspiracy to commit a crime by a leader of the student body. Why do you act as if you have the moral high ground?

    ii) You have continually taken umbrage at our observations of the conduct of student leaders. You seem to believe we have no right to criticize--who, if not us, do you feel is morally entitled to criticize? Do you believe citizens have a right to criticize their government?

    iii) I've heard you wish to attend law school. It occurs to me your arguments lack anything remotely akin to premises, inferences, or conclusions. If I'm being obtuse, will you please be patient enough to explain your argument in greater detail; or, if upon reflection you find you're simply griping at us, will you do us the courtesy of admitting you are wrong to defend Mr. Neben?



  16. HAHAHAHAHAHHA this is pointless, critisize all you want he is going to get drunk and nobody is going to give a flying fu** about it, oh wait, except you people. Oh, and by the way, great way to single someone out, I mean, if anything we could single Corinna out for being butt fugly, or shawn mcdonald for being a huge piglet, or eric for being a gay anal.

  17. Eric, you realize that it was that "band of clueless idiots" that you yourself tried to join, right?

    Why are they clueless? In another post you said the 75th session was relatively successful. Without any help from VLEG, can you give any kind of example as to how they were more successful than the 77th session is at this point?

    Stop kissing up and dissing others just because you got your lame ass feelings hurt. Get over yourself. I doubt you'd be singing this tune if you had been appointed. That in itself proves that you didn't belong.

    For the last time, if you don't have anything intelligent to say, don't say anything at all.

  18. Well, Greg, I admit that I had higher hopes when I applied, but after recent events, my perceptions have changed.

    Well, the 75th session passed some strong bills and public laws which obliberate anything the 77th session has done at this point.

    Kissing up? Hardly, Corinna and I don't get along very well at times, and I really don't aknow anyone else (Shane has called me out numerous of occasions, unfortunately.)

    Apply the last part to yourself too.

  19. Can we please stop assuming the 75th session was God's gift to ASUN? Every session has its faults and its good points. Every session at one point could be considered a "band of clueless idiots". I agree Renaud on this...sorry, Eric.

  20. Name 3 strong bills and public laws, Eric.

  21. Hahahaha, Eric couldn't be specific!!!!

    What an idiot!!!

    You realize that the reason this website idolizes the 75th session is because 1 or more of them served on it! Eric just got PUNK'D! Listen to Orovada and Greggy. Pay attention to this website, but take everything they say with a grain of salt. Trust me, no matter what happens, there will NEVER be a better session than the 75th in their eyes.

  22. I'd say the ASUN government back in 1932 that proposed to create a representative senate was pretty awesome.

  23. Orovada,

    I don't think the 75th Session was "God's gift to ASUN." You are right that each session has its successes and failures. I think the point that has been proffered by me and others is that, when you objectively compare the quality and quantity of the work of sessions, say the 73rd through the 77th, the 75th Session clearly stands out from the rest. Why that is the case is certainly a question for exploration.

  24. *cough* Because one of your contributors was on it and has a biased viewpoint that has seeped into everyone else's minds. *cough*

    Unless you can distinguish why, Lupus. The reason this blog doesn't feel objective is because of this. It seems as though ANYTHING done by the Senate (76th or 77th) is immediately torn apart and compared to something the 75th session did "better." You want the current senators and informed people to take you guys seriously, get past the bias and stop looking to the past.

  25. Anon - I am a contributor to this blog and do not idolize the 75th session in any way. Some of our contributors do...ahem. But personally, I believe that there will be better sessions. Anyway, just wanted to point out that 'their eyes' (meaning VLEG as a whole) are not all tainted by ties to the 75th. Also, for those naysayers out there, it is not my hope to watch the Senate fail. I hope that they succeed.

  26. And that, Orovada, is the tragedy of the situation. Those few have tainted this blog's image. The concept of this blog is truly great. However, those few people who keep looking to the past drag this blog down. Instead of comparing to previous sessions, a suggestion may be to limit your analysis as to how things will affect the students. And if the 77th does something wrong, explain how to fix it without the comparisons.

    Just a thought.

  27. "And if the 77th does something wrong, explain how to fix it without the comparisons."

    Just how exactly do you do that? Explaining the "wrongness" of something by definition requires comparison, and you cannot compare to something in the future. That's the whole point of history and precedent. We look to how things were done in the past to know whether we are doing things well in the present.

    Reminds me of the adage that those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.

  28. This is a very interesting discussion happening here. I suggest we look a specific example of form to make comparisons. This post, for example, discusses the form of resolutions adopting Rules of the Senate. Are both resolutions discussed in that post equivalent? If so, how do you justify that given the clear language of the resolutions? If not, why not?

  29. That post is very well done. If that was the way every post was, I would have no beef with your website. However, it is the constant "The 77th Session hellza sucks cause the 75th session was hellza awesome and this is why they were better... Yaddidadida." that needs to change. That is what I mean by looking back and not forward. Comparisons to the past aren't effective if we lose sight of the fact that just because it happened before, does not mean that is the answer for the future. Slavery was once a precedent. Sometimes you need to focus on different goals and issue that pertains to the time. THAT is what I think this website should focus on. How what the Senate does affects the students. And, if you disagree with something, explain how to move forward as opposed to "we already did this. It was better. This is why."

  30. Devil's advocate...

    Can you cite particular examples of this blog speaking the glorious, their shit don't stink praises of the 75th session?

  31. If you can't see them yourself, then you don't want to see.

    Orovada herself admitted some contributors feel that way, and it certainly shows and decimates the message of this blog.

  32. I'm serious, because when I look at what was written, I don't think it's that strong. Some examples...

    First, the Legal Services agency is not established in ASUN law. It's something the 75th Session senators never got around to doing.

    Pretty neutral.


    In just two back-to-back sessions, the students have seen what an outstanding speaker and session (75th) produces and what a shitfest (76th) leads to.

    Obviously in favor of the 75th compared to the next session.


    Anybody notice that one? Jeremiah Todd. As in former vice presidential running mate with Eli Reilly.

    As in the 75th Session senator who was censured for violating the Nevada Open Meeting Law.

    Wow, the 75th Session had a screwup. Negative point for that session.


    The 75th Senate was too focused on the election fuck-ups, which seriously threatened a constitutional crisis and was not resolved until literally the day they left office (April 16, 2008).

    Pretty neutral again, but suggests they were too one-minded.


    The most one-sided comment I can find seems to come from Lupus, and that's not much of a surprise if he was a member of the 75th senate.

    As a side note, this research was possible because of the vastly better legislative history the 75th Session kept compared to the future sessions.


    So what's the big deal here? One comment says explicitly that the 75th session did something better? BFD.

  33. This is fun. Are you people upset that comparisons are being made to previous sessions? That's stupid. The reason their are so many looks back at the 75th session is they did a lot of stuff. And weren't they the 1st session under a new constitution? Well duh they did a lot of stuff.

  34. This blog is not objective and does not provide more than (at most times) a venting session for personal vendettas. See the post about Kealy or Speaker Geremia, or any member of the 76th/77th session for that matter. You should be ashamed of using "Vis Lupi Est Grex" as your blog name. This blog is juicy campus part 2, for all the people who couldn't get elected/appointed, were greatly disliked, got kicked out of senate, or didn't get speaker. Why are they still sticking around? Can they not get over the fact that it didn't happen and don't take your vengeance out on others, even before mistakes are made.

  35. I disagree tihs is just juicey campus version 2. Sounds like your just bitter that people are criticizing you. Most of the posts arent vents. If this was the next juicey campus, their would be posts about who so and so is sleeping with. This blog seams very focused on ASUN activities and not the officers as individual people.

  36. no, it definentally is juicy campus part two. They talked about senators wearing shorts, kealys head in his ass, oh and how purney has an IQ of 78. JC2!!!!

  37. Triscuit, triscuit.... Quoting XK makes this juicy campus part 2? A comment by Thorn in the side makes this juicy campus part 2? One post about Kealy being so dense as to miss a point, or, alternatively, to consciously ignore the point because he has no argument against it, makes this juicy campus part 2? Wow...

  38. I heard Sarah slept with half of the senators, can you believe that? Any details would be much appreciated!

  39. Until things cool off, we're going to put in place comment moderation again. Irrelevant, off topic, and libelous rumor mongering is not appropriate.

    And to the last anonymous commenter, posting from the University and the ASUN offices is probably not a smart idea.

  40. Please point to where I made a comment that warrents a comparison to a rumor website. Thanks.

  41. *Bite. Thank you for expressing yourselves intelligently.
