Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Internets Never Forget

The self-deleted comments of Mr. Eric Thornley:

You missed my point entirely. Democracy isn't a silly idea. 

What I am saying is some frat kid could put their name on the ballot and win just because he is extremely popular without ever presenting his agenda or platform seriously like real politicians do. 

1) Ok, can you tell me who seriously presented their platform and won based on ideas? I saw no one do that, this is probably one of the reasons why the 76th session failed, no one really had the drive.

2) I didn't make an idiot of myself. At least I had the courage to put my name out there and defend myself. While you are posting under "Anonymous"....good stuff.

3) Again...Obviously I am willing to put my self in harm's way.

4) What do sporting affiliations have to do with what I want to do for this University? Those things are personal opinions and should not be what the Senators ask, but whatever.

Thanks Jordan Connell/ThornySucks :) 

They shouldn't be talking about how much money ASUN spends in relation to this because the budget allows over 50% of the budget go to non-undergrads.

Anonymous, let me ask you this, would me being a AC Milan fan prevent me from going to a University in Florence? No. 

Should you be appointed by the Senate, Mr. Thornley, you should always remember there is always a record, and you will be held to that record.


  1. Thanks for stating the obvious.

  2. lol...politics 101, think before you speak.

  3. Joe Biden puts his foot in his mouth all the time and he now holds the second highest in the country. Being honest instead of being calculating sometimes is a good thing.

  4. Second highest office, that is.

  5. Admittingly, my loyalty to my consience leads to say stuff that is genuinely on my mind. I think we need more people like that thogh.

  6. "There are times when silence has the loudest voice.”

    I warned you look what you've gone and done. Do you want to know why START wasn't more successful? They were too combative; there are ways of tearing someone's viewpoints apart without looking like an ignorant douche bag. Radicalism doesn’t mesh well with today’s society.

    Once again…if you speak less often, you might be heard more. Don't feel obligated to respond to everything, make sure when you speak it's insightful.

  7. Why do you keep on calling me Thorny? And how does speaking less enable others to get their views across?

  8. It honestly just sounds like you go against anything that anyone says just because its something someone else isn't saying Thorn. Get over yourself.

  9. Honest Abe,

    Don't take credit for me warning thorny ahead of time and telling him to put up or shut up long ago. At least he's applying for the position, now it's up to the senate. We'll see how that goes. Good luck Thorny. I look forward to reading about it in the sagebrush followed promptly by your latest comments.

