Monday, March 23, 2009


Either the Reilly/Perez is taking a really early stab at 2010, or else they still have a campaign sign up on campus in the engineering quad. Now interestingly, this isn't against any sort of ASUN elections code. But it seems to be in poor taste to leave your garbage sitting on the lawn long after the main event finished.

So, Reilly/Perez, pretty please with sugar on top: get your signs off my lawn.


  1. and another left in front of Nye Hall

  2. Section 14(e)(5) of the Code makes it a requirement to for candidates to participate in a mandatory cleanup day.

    "Failing to attend and participate in the Mandatory Clean-up day that shall be established by the Commission on the Saturday following the election, unless campaign materials are cleaned up prior to the Clean-up day."

    Is it explicit when materials must be cleaned up? No. But is the intent clear that materials are supposed to be cleaned up by the Saturday following the election? I'd say yes.
