Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Barry Belmont's Single-mindedness Indicates a Useless Philosophy

Barry Belmont of the UNR Students for Liberty recently took time to comment on a recent post on Vis Lupi about illegal redaction of personal information be done to applications for the open College of Liberal Arts Senate seat. It is his opinion that "dumb" laws need not be followed. Here is one reason why he is wrong.

If a society agrees to, and forms around, the idea that it should be governed by laws, to allow any individual to arbitrarily choose what laws are "bad" or "dumb" means the rule of law is consequentially dead. Perhaps this particular violation cited by Vis Lupi and commented on by Belmont is ultimately meaningless but what Vis Lupi is attempting to report on is a trend in ASUN.

The individuals in ASUN have shown an inclination to ignore laws they find inconvenient or cumbersome. They also like to claim ignorance because the system is too complicated for them to understand. This is not fair to those that create expectations and behave in a manner befitting the rule of law. This behavioral asymmetry will lead to a culture that eventually places no value in following the rules of the law, and that culture will descend into anarchy.

While I'm sure the UNR Students for Liberty would love that, it is a scenario that if allowed to proceed apace will destroy any efficacy ASUN has. ASUN is partly a deliberative body. Deliberative bodies need rules so all members can participate on a level playing field. While I’m not particularly concerned if ASUN implodes or not, I would rather they succeed if they are going to be taking $5/credit hour from every undergraduate student. It’s not the law itself, it’s the idea that any person gets to choose what laws are worth following, that is a serious problem in ASUN.


  1. Sounds like this Barry kid is a real teabagger.

  2. You know, slavery was once considered okay by law...maybe law isn't all its cracked up to be.

    In fact, isn't it law that is not allowing one of the fine writers of this blog to not marry whomever he wants?

    I just think, maybe not all laws are all that great and maybe Barry (teabagger that he is) has a point on this one.

    Sorry, I usually agree with you guys, but you all do seem to be a little unreasonable about this one.

  3. death on a triscuitMay 9, 2009 at 3:15 PM

    I don't think they ignore laws because its "convenient" for them. 5 dollars an hour, most of them could wipe their asses with money like that. Its not about the money, the resume, any of it, its about getting involved and wanting to do something beneficial, learning the laws is a process, that yes you have aquired and attain enough time to stick your nose into every nook and crack of mistake (lack of social life) feel free to run, or is it you are afraid that outside of this blog you are not beneficial

  4. DOT:

    If these senators cared so much, then they would be doing their best to uphold laws and protect and preserve the university. The 76th session did not do that, and the 77th session doesn't loiok like they will do that either unless their attitude changes. Showing up to a senate meeting in Gym shorts doesn't display you take the job seriously.

    For me, people like you who say that being a senator isn't everything and that they shouldn't commit full time to it are worthless. Since you guys have no problem with failure, the senators don't feel any pressure to work harder.

    For people who care, like us, failure is not an option.

  5. Death on a triscuitMay 9, 2009 at 5:37 PM

    maybe then you can prove that and run for election, that is if you could ever (in hell) get elected

  6. Hey, that douche nozzle Sean McDonald got elected--TWICE--didn't he?

  7. DOT -

    You seem like an idiot, why don't you run too and completely embarass yourself?

  8. you first thorn, I wouldnt want to see you cry

  9. figure I sound exactly like you thorn. Should i delete my comments? nahhhh, i am death on a triscuit!! MUAHAHA

  10. Eric, why don't you leave the 76th out of this. The 77th session senators are the ones that discriminated against you.

  11. they discriminated against him for being british

  12. also, where the gym shorts spandex? I might start coming to meetings. Lets get a good turn out for the senate in spandex!

  13. You guys are funny. The 76th session failed this university, so I was just using them as an example.

    I'm not British, but whatever floats your boat.

  14. By the way, is it possible to IP ban DOT or something? Clearly, he is a blatant troll.

  15. (cough cough) Pardon me. They discriminated against you for PRETENDING to be british

  16. The 76th session did not fail this University. In my opinion there is no 'failure.' They did a lot of good things which I will not list here, because I know you won't even read it. And no, I don't think banning DOT is a good idea. He's as much of a troll as you are. This is an open forum and I'm pretty sure after the START party began censoring people on their page the authors of this blog vowed no censorship. And, who cares if someone was wearing gym shorts to a senate meeting.

  17. 76er -

    What "good" things did they do, exactly?

    And would you care if US senators showed up to their job with gym shorts while stuffing themselves with cake? No, probably not. I think how you dress for a job is a measure of how much you take it seriously.

  18. Please tell me purney was wearing spandex!

  19. Important distinction -- this is not the US Senate. Number two, I don't care what they wear as long as they do their job and do it to the best of their ability. I think Ms.Acosta compiled a list of all the accomplishments. If you want to know-- everything is public, do some research before you make grandiose sweeping generalizations about what a 'failure' everything is. By the way, they tried to pass a dress code in the 74th session and it failed miserably. Obviously, Eric, clothes do not make the man. However, personally I would try to wear a suit and tie as often as possible. But if other people want to wear shorts, thats their prerogative.

  20. What's the difference? Both jobs carry consequences if failure occurs. Do you seriously think that this university won't face consequences if the ASUN senate does nothing?

    I think it is generally accepted by objective individuals that the 76th session was a failure. Despite some bills that praised/denounced things, what you guys did was very minimal.

    It should speak volumes that senators don't want a dress code. Do they show up in spandex to their regular jobs? No, of course not. Why should SENATOR OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF NEVADA be any different? Being a senator, a representative of the UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF NEVADA sounds like a high-caliber job that should be taken seriously to me.

  21. You mean, were not in Washington D.C. right now? You mean this is just Reno? Any we are just talking about ASUN? You mean these senators aren't dealing with foreign policy!!!!

  22. Obviously, you do not think being a ASUN senator is a serious job that holds serious standards.

    If you are a senator, you should be ashamed of yourself and remove yourself so this university won't suffer further punishment due to idiocy and incompetence, either that, or join Eli Reilly's Sigma Nu Cab-..err, staff.

  23. What if they word as a personal trainer? They might actually be required to wear spandex. Got you there thorn. I don't think anyone on the senate has a professional job yet. Or are they not working towards a degree?

  24. I'm just saying, one Senator wore gym shorts one time as far as documented...CHILL OUT dude.

  25. Would you try and get appointed to that seat too?

    failure dude fa-i-lure

  26. Deathie -

    Any job, unpaid or paid, should be taken seriously. It doesn't matter if you are a Supreme Court justice or a Starbucks poster boy. Work Ethic comes with character unfortunately.

    Death Death - Sure, why not?

    76er - Point taken, but still...

  27. Thorn in my side. Don't be so presumptuous to know what I think. If you read the post earlier, I said I tried to wear a suit jacket or tie or collared shirt to senate meetings. I am just advocating the other side of the argument. I know that I came from Lombardi once or twice. It wasn't the end of the world. Neither was one senator wearing gym shorts in this one instance. If you're so worried about dress codes why don't you propose legislation. This is why the senate will never listen to you, all you do is talk and criticize. Never actually do anything.

  28. Perhaps next year. I'm thinking about hammering it into them.

  29. Thorn, are you the starbucks poster boy?

  30. Wait a second, is it just me, or do they have to approve your legislation??? ya, thats what I thought.

  31. Anon - No, I stay from those types of jobs.

  32. Deathie Death, that doesn't mean that people can't propose things and ask for them to be sponsored and discussed.

  33. Because you would hate you life if you were the did, just like the poster boy who had bad work ethic.

  34. Tru dat but legislation from thorn? About no spankie gym shorts? discuss it please!!

  35. Serious Eric is serious

  36. lmao. Thorn in my side would have made a great senator--look at the way he exhibits so much faith in ASUN now. If all you do is bitch, nothing will come of it, just like this blog. Don't be bitter, take a speech communications class and run for senate next year,

    P.S. capitalizing ASUN SENATOR does not change the fact that its student government ERIC THORNLEY.

  37. Bitterness is the ambrosia of the disaffected, Anonymous

  38. Student government shouldn't be taken seriously? Fuck you, and if you are a senator, resign now for the sake of everyone.

  39. No governments should be taken seriously. Anyone who still believes in the mystical notion of a benevolent State is either a child or a fool.

  40. Thornley, you'd think that for all the crap people give you that you'd be above a 'LOL.... what a loser' post, yourself.

  41. Corinna, how else can I respond to such blatant disregard for something that should be viewed in serious light?

  42. Hey Thorn, I have a great idea, DONT REPLY. It's just a fucking blog

  43. Plus, when you don't speak, you are prooving you might actually have a brain. Keep some mystery its really unattractive knowing how there are peas rolling around in that head

  44. I haven't have the foggiest idea what you are talking about.

  45. Once upon a time, there was a colony of monkeys living in the jungle. One paticular monkey was thought to be a fool, because he never talked. One day, the lion called a meeting of all the beasts of the jungle. The Lion opened the meeting by asking a question. The monkey immediately sat up and stated his opinion, and removed all doubt.

    "It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."Variously attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Clemens, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill

  46. If I got a penny everytime someone posted that, I would have a thousand dollars by now.

  47. Eric, if you /received/ a penny for each time you read and understood that parable, you would still lack the funds to purchase a soggy cigarette butt from an East 4th Street bum.

  48. Eric, you are not the cat's meow. You are proving yourself to be a sad, angry individual.

  49. Really, I am? You know, it would be easier if I just stop caring, right?

  50. It would be better if you stopped sucking at life. But we all live within our bounds.

  51. Now who's the flame warrior?

  52. All right people. Enough flame. Don't make me turn moderation on.
