Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Our Senators Underage Drinking?

If you're one of the elite student leaders on campus, and you choose to engage in underage drinking, do you:

a) On reconsideration, do not drink. Being caught will earn you a visit with Sally J. Morgan, and it's too risky;

b) Do so discreetly, only amongst trusted friends; and safely, by discouraging binge drinking and having appointed designated drivers; or

c) Publicly advertise a huge party with underage, binge drinking far from where any emergency services can reach if something goes seriously wrong.

Did any of us drink while underaged? Perhaps. Almost certainly. Yeah. But we didn't wave a huge flag around advertising it. That is incredibly poor judgment.


  1. I guess Neben thinks he represents the College of Babes and Alcohol.

  2. I didn't realize that college existed at Nevada. I thought the only one in the state was at UNLV.

  3. Anonymous= Rebel-Lover

    Anon - The University of Nevada is the oldest and most prestigious in the state. Those rebels in the South used to a part of our grand institution but decided to 'rebel' and have floundered ever since. Now you realize that 'college exists in Nevada' and yeah, there is one true blue institution in the State. Ours.

    As for the content of this post. I am ashamed at this clear misconduct...and I agree with Lupus. At least be discreet. Maybe Oversight will call him out on this..? I doubt it.

  4. I think you misunderstood my comment. I didn't realize that the "College of Babes and Alcohol" existed at Nevada. I was ragging on the school to the south.

    And I think you meant Wolfie...

  5. Anon- sorry, I might have. Regardless. This brings up a larger problem of defining what it means to be a public officer and the decorum that each should adhere to. Can we prevent underage drinking? No. Should ASUN Senators, public figures and examples be careful about what they publish on the internet. Maybe its time for a "Is our Senator's Learning?" Public Relations version...

  6. I happen to know Mr. Neben, and I can honestly say that he represents the College of Babes and Alcohol (my personal favorite subject) quite well. Go get 'em, champ!

    Lupus writers, GROW UP. Oh wow, some college students drink beforethey are 21! What shocking news! Yes, he is a senator, but he is still a college student. As a college student, every warm-blooded American male should have 3 things on their minds: Drinking, Screwing, and Passing classes (not necessarily in that order all the time). Obviously, if one is going to party, they SHOULD get the word out to his buddies and girlies. I applaud Mr. Nebens efforts, and wish him a very happy birthday.

    And lets not forget the big picture here. THIS IS A STUDENT GOVERNMENT. We are STUDENTS. We shouldn't take ourselves so seriously....we can do that when we are older. Plus, who wants to act like Sean McDonald anyway? Do we as people want to look back at our prime years and think "Gee, I was a total square in college because I wanted to act professional as an ASUN official and took student government way too seriously and had no life. Now I am 45, and I have never had any fun". I don't. I won't.

    Leave this guy alone. And if this does go to the Senate Committee on Oversight, it will speak volumes as to what big clowns stugov kids can be. Oh, Im sure nobody will see this, as I know how you Lupus folk love to censure out all dissenting posts.

    -The Cheese

  7. I especially like where woman are compared to, what I can only assume to be spawning (as it is spawning salmon that flow), salmon. As we all know, college girls are only really good for having sex with.

    Neben has proven himself not only an intelligent young man with excellent judgment, but also as someone with immense respect for women.

  8. The more comments I read on the Sagebrush, VLEG and other blogs, the more I convinced I become students at UNR suck at reading comprehension.

    Quoting the post: "Did any of us drink while underaged? [...] Yeah. But we didn't wave a huge flag around advertising it. That is incredibly poor judgment."

    This is the kind of stupid shit that can cost you your job or lead to lost opportunities. Some administrators are not above using Facebook to go after students. Resident Assistants have lost their jobs for things like this. Instead of getting pissy that you got caught being stupid, maybe you should just stop being stupid.

  9. "Instead of getting pissy that you got caught being stupid, maybe you should just stop being stupid."

    He isn't being stupid. He is being normal. no everyone is a natural born douche like you guys.

  10. "He isn't being stupid. He is being normal."

    I think wisdom is being able to know something is stupid without having to first suffer the consequences of our actions.

  11. The Cheese (or would that be the Cheesy Senator? I get so confused sometimes...),

    Sean McDonald drank before he was 21. I was there when it happened. Margaritas with some roommates at their apartment. Yeah, that sounds like a square to me.

    You wrote, "And lets not forget the big picture here. THIS IS A STUDENT GOVERNMENT. We are STUDENTS. We shouldn't take ourselves so seriously....we can do that when we are older." Yes, be sure to tell that to the two former senators, Shane included, who now have criminal records and official censures on their records.

    To Anonymous at 1:07 p.m., who I suspect is The Cheese,
    You really going to use the "well, everybody else is doing it" defense? Again, don't think that'll work out too well when Ms. Morgan comes a knockin'.

    College students drink (often while underage), but as has been pointed out, most don't make prominent public displays of brazen disregard for the law (e.g. "Celebrating one more year of illegal drinking").

    I agree with Shane. Do you guys actually have the ability to comprehend relatively simple sentences?

  12. Minor point, I am Lupus. The blog is Vis Lupi Est Grex. Lupus != (does not equal) Vis Lupi Est Grex.

    Again, to review, Lupus is an individual; VLEG is the blog.

    Got that?

    Wait, maybe I should draw a picture for the individual who can't/doesn't/won't read...

  13. "Sean McDonald drank before he was 21. I was there when it happened. Margaritas with some roommates at their apartment. Yeah, that sounds like a square to me."

    hahahahahaha! Super cool cat Sean Dawg kickin back and throwin down the margaritas!!!! What, did he run out of Malibu Rum and Sunny D? Yes, does sound like a square.

    Oh, and I call them 'Lupus writers' because I am spoofing the word Lupi, and substituting it with the name of a disease. Appropriate, much?

    -The Cheese

  14. Sen. Kealy (AKA Cheesy),

    I think you've been drinking a little too much at the law firm you work at. You're not making any sense. I guess this is just another one of the reasons you didn't get Speaker. At least when Speaker Geremia would post on blogs and such she had the balls to use her real name.

  15. Seriously? You waste your time blogging about some dude's birthday party? Sounds like some people are bitter that they didn't have these experiences while in school. Get a life and move on.


  16. I like how an anonymous website scornfully accuses me of posting anonymously. That makes sense, right? I can assure you, I do have my balls, which is more than I can say for some......

    Don't try ruin this guy's birthday. You can't tell me you don't have better things to do. Plus, if you look at the picture of the Facebook invitation, you will notice it is a closed event. Closed, as in private. So what is the big deal?

    Hugs and Kisses,

  17. "Did any of us drink while underaged? Perhaps. Almost certainly. Yeah. But we didn't wave a huge flag around advertising it. That is incredibly poor judgment."

    Ummm...isn't this, the law is always right blog? If you actually believed in the validity of state law (like you apparently do) you would throw your self before the mercy of the justice system.

    I never knew that Vis Lupi Est Grex in Latin stood for "giant ass hypocrites."

  18. Call it an act of civil disobedience.

  19. I don't think we ever denied having broken the law by drinking while underage. It would have been hypocritical for us to criticize underage drinking while doing it ourselves without acknowledging its illegality. But all of this discussion of hypocrisy misses the point: if you're going to drink before you're 21, don't do it stupidly, like by advertising to the world that you're going to engage in underage drinking.

    Oh, lastly, throwing ourselves on the mercy of the justice system, as you suggest, would be useless. There's a statute of limitations on misdemeanor crimes of 1 year (NRS 171.090).

  20. "And lets not forget the big picture here. THIS IS A STUDENT GOVERNMENT. We are STUDENTS. We shouldn't take ourselves so seriously....we can do that when we are older."

    I am so fucking tired of this piss poor excuse. If you want to waste your collegiate career as some ignorant douchebag then go to Chico State or some other shitty school. Don't trash UNR's reputation further.

  21. Anybody want to shotgun some beers?
