Friday, May 22, 2009

Update: Summer Meetings, What?

I guess I spoke too soon. According the the agenda posted on the ASUN website Senator Kealy has submitted a resolution to recess the Senate until August.


  1. Says what Eric?

  2. If you can't see what that means, then you shouldn't even be here.

  3. Really Eric? Cause it really just sounds like you are trying to find faults where none lie.

    Maybe YOU shouldn't be here.

    Or you could, for once, clarify what you mean and try to make an intelligent argument. I wont hold my breath though.

  4. Well, Sen. Kealy calling for a summer recess is a bit pathetic. If you are going to work over the summer, dont' stop in the middle of the process. I guess there weren't enough beers from him.

  5. Deathie on a triscuitMay 25, 2009 at 8:46 PM

    Yea i think they were probably running low on beers and thats why they are calling a recess. Lack of beers, yep thats it.

  6. Eric, you are incredible dumb.

    Somebody is a REALLY sore loser. Thank CHRIST you didn't get appointed.

  7. Greg, why am I "dumb" for pointing out laziness? If they wanted a recess, they should have called it BEFORE they went into the summer holiday.

  8. To be fair to this argument, many past sessions have not been in session during the summer. It is in fact the status quo to recess over the summer. However, at previous meetings this senate had established that they were going to try to meet regularly during the summer monthes...i was very skeptical that their 'big talk' would come to fruition. I'm not faulting them for not meeting over the summer or calling them 'lazy' most senates don't meet. But if you set yourself to a higher standard or say certain things, it is a little disappointing when they are not followed through. Maybe the culture of the Senate has not evolved enough to support working year round...goodness knows there are things to do...

  9. FYI, most of the Senate doesn't agree with the Resolution and Sen. Kealy expressed his discontent with meeting over the summer long before the Resolution was born. It's no shock, Sen. Kealy is entitled to his opinion, just like every other member of ASUN.

    and all of you... What is above is childish, and you know it. Explicate ideas and avoid the personal attacks and have a legitimate debate based on the facts rather than pointing fingers like little kids.

  10. Anon -- I don't think my argument was childish at all. I defended the senate when most jumped to the conclusion that they were 'lazy' and conceded that most sessions (none in recent memory) met regularly over the Summer. Further, I'm not sure what personal attacks you are referring to. If most of the Senate doesn't agree with this resolution, that the Senate will stay in session for the summer and this argument is moot....but, please don't blame me for being skeptical.

  11. Orovada, the childish remark was not directed at you. "All" wasn't the best choice of words in the case. But seriously, Eric and Greg, the appointment is behind us and calling each other dumb is not constructive. Move on.
