Friday, May 29, 2009

Updated: Falling on Deaf Ears

Update: May 31, 2009 at 7 p.m.
The whole issue is now moot. The Assembly overrode the Governor's veto. S.B. 283 is now law.

Update: May 31, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Looks like the whole issue of this ASUN Senate resolution might become entirely moot. Last night, the Nevada Senate overrode the Governor's veto to S.B. 283. The bill is in the Assembly today for an attempt at an override. On passage in the Assembly, the measure fell two votes short of the two-thirds required to override the Governor's veto. That means the Assembly will need to find two more yes votes in order to override the veto.

VLEG has obtained exclusively a copy of a memo said to have been prepared for the ASUN Senate.*


To: Senate of the Associated Students, UNR
From: Nevada Legislature
Re: S.B. 283

In case you haven't heard, the Nevada Legislature will adjourn no later than June 1, 2009. That comes before June 3, 2009. The resolution (E. Res. 77-__) you will be considering to encourage us to override the Governor's veto on S.B. 283, the domestic partner legislation, won't get to us in time. (By the way, what the hell is an E. Resolution anyway?)

As you may not be aware, the Nevada Constitution requires us to adjourn no later than 120 days after convening(art. 4, sec. 2(2)). That day is Monday, June 1, 2009, during this legislative session. Because of that, should your "E. Resolution" pass, no one will be here to receive it, read it, care anything about it, etc.

It is commendable that you are taking an interest in our business, but taking up a resoltuion urging us to do something and not bothering to look at a calendar--the expression "falling on deaf ears" comes to mind, but it's much, much worse. It's like showing up to a party several weeks late. Where were you guys back when this bill was being heard? This resolution should've been ready for presentation during the hearings on this bill, which were over a month ago, not after we've already adjourned for the biennium.

We'd say "nice try," but this has "FAIL" written all over it. In the future, we recommend that you learn about the legislative process before you do something as embarrassing as misrepresent your Association. (And your I. Res.'s and E. Res.'s--the hell?)

*Not really, but it sure would be hilarious.


  1. Senator Purney and I are aware the Nevada State Legislature will end their session on June 1, 2009. Originally our legislation would have been heard at an early scheduled meeting of the Associated Senate; however due to changes in schedule our legislation cannot be heard until June 3, 2009. This piece of legislation will most likely be late in its assistance of Assembly Bill 283; however our goal is to provide amendments to our expressed resolution to renounce Governor Gibbons veto statement, as it is incorrect in its claims.

    Though we will be late in providing direct support for SB 283 we are hoping by writing letters to various senators and assemblymen, as well as having our agenda released yesterday for June 3, 2009; that our Expressed Resolution, will at the very least be noticed by some of the alumni of the University of Nevada, and provide SB 283 will additional support.

    If you ever have comments or concerns feel free to email me at


    Brandon J. Bishop
    Chairman of the Committee on Academics
    Parliamentarian of the Senate
    Senator of the College of Liberal Arts
    Associated Students of the University of Nevada

  2. When the legislature ends on Monday the bill will die. This resolution will accomplish nothing except show how behind the curve ASUN is. Give up and try again in 2 years.

  3. Let's get this straight Mr. Parliamentarian, you and the speaker can't count, that's why your meeting was "rescheduled."

    Also, is it AB283 or SB 283 that your opposing/supporting? Because it's unclear in your comment.

    And in general, the resolution is pointless at this point. Who cares what happens with the bill after June 1. It's either dead or law, there is no gray area. The best thing you guys could do as to not embarrass yourself would be to IP (that's Indefinitely Postpone) your little resolution.

  4. Senator Bishop,
    What would you like to accomplish with this resolution? What do you expect to have this do at this late hour?

  5. yay what a great step for domestic partnerships!

  6. $10 says they still discuss and vote on the resolution even though it's entirely moot.

    Or they could be smart and make an amendment "Congratulating the Legislature...."
