Saturday, March 27, 2010

What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.

It is easy to assume one's cause so virtuous as to justify any action in support of it. The youthful libertarians of UNR Student's for Liberty convinced themselves their recent Abolish ASUN event was a justified attack on a system they find wasteful. Not too many people were amused with the event. Many expressed disgust. However, the political savants at UNR-SFL remain unapologetically unabashed. Those who are annoyed, bemused, confused, disgusted, enraged, flabbergasted, etc are just too simple-minded to get the enlightened point being made by UNR-SFL.

Well, John Russell has proved his assumed beliefs might be just a little too large for him to wear intelligently. His recent post condemning ASUN's Flipside Productions recent event suggests he still does not get why people will label him and his fellow club members hypocrites and still support Flipside's event.

You stand on a soapbox professing disdain for waste and then engage in waste yourself; regardless of the purpose, you are a hypocrite. The club's petty behavior may have made a point, but it was not done elegantly. It was done with contempt and displayed rank hypocrisy.

p.s. Another reason you are all hypocrites is your voluntary attendance at a tax supported state sponsored school.

Be what you would seem to be - or, if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


  1. You guys are so stupid. How can you think you do anything that is relevant to anybody. You're not only pointless, but pointlessly so. I hate you all so much. Fuuuuuuck.

  2. For your first point, I cannot bring myself to defend the UNRSFL club for being hypocrites. But I will rise to defend them on the second charge. But I suspect both of your charges of hypocrisy are meant to serve a pedagogical purpose, so I will refrain for the moment. I wouldn't want to *crowd out* their response before they have a chance to offer it.

  3. Anybody else find it wrong that this blog does a better job teaching about ASUN than the advisor's whose job it is to teach them?
