Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shit Show, Version 76

UPDATE: April 9, 7 a.m.
The funniest (and saddest) comment to the Sagebrush's live blog last night:

[Comment From Greg]
If the senate increases it's [sic] pay I am going to break into the archives and strike my name as to keep my name from being tarnished by this group.
I would imagine there are many 75th Session Senators who, if viewed through the lens of the 76th Session, would be about has happy as Greg was last night. Thank God for elections. Too bad there are four incumbents next year who all think their shit don't stink.

UPDATE: 11 p.m.

The 76th Senate adjourned (presumably sine die) at 11 p.m. tonight. This is one session that should not go down in the history books. 77th Session, good luck.

Be sure to check out the last meeting of the 76th Senate happening right now, courtesy of the Sagebrush's live blog.

It's a total shit show. Even 75th Session Speaker Gregory Green showed up.


  1. Everyone on this blog I just wanted to let you know that the Sagebrush's live blog is a gross distortion of what is actually going on, they miss so many things and so many of the comments are lacking in the facts and are not based in the actual conversation that is going on at the table. The Senate did adjourn Sine Die, there was a printed resolution, pursuant to the appropriate law, but, the Sagebrush neglected to report it. As for Senate pay, I see no problems approving it for later sessions such as the 78th or 79th, the economy will most likely be in a much better climate by then or they can always defer their increase just as the faculty senate did. Increased compensation does not bring shame on the Senate. The senators that bring no value and do not earn their titles do. It is a mistake to lump everyone in that category. I do not appreciate the 76th Session being equated to a "shit show". How dare you relentlessly attack those people that are trying to do good things. How dare you stand on your pedestal and hide behind this blog and never actually communicate these problems to your officials and then moan and complain. And the worst part about it? Past officials that should be compassionate and understanding about the process instead decide to become the Senate's biggest enemies. People that could have been mentors, people that should know the difficulties that are entailed in this position. But these people instead take on a stance of perfection, stand aloof and criticize. SHAME ON YOU. You have an obligation to help your fellow man and you disregarded it outright, or were complete assholes about it and no one would seek your counsel. Instead of guiding and helping you manipulated people. If anyone failed, it was you.

  2. Perhaps the ASUN Liveblog *is* a gross distortion. Therefore, I'll just pull up the minutes to the last Senate meeting. Humm dee dumm... okay, the last minutes were from the 03/04/2009 meeting, over a month ago. That's not terribly helpful to know what's going on recently, although the new Secretary of the Senate seems to keep pretty good notes! Without those minutes, I'd probably never know that Senator Richards opposed to a $2.00 fee to help fund the critically important Math and Writing centers. This is a bit shocking to me since I, as one of her constituents, had very strongly voiced my concerns about the continuation of those programs. I proposed several alternatives to her--maybe she wanted to pass on this solution to seek another? The minutes don't say.

    As for Senate pay, by my back-of-the-envelope calculations, it was increased by about 500 percent. That's lucky!

    And as for 'never actually communicating these problems', you and I both know you have been approached about many of these problems by the authors of this blog on more than one occasion...

  3. Corinna, I actually have a very good explanation for the voting no on that fee. Since I work in the math department I had a lengthy discussion with the chair, they are already imposing a fee and the math center will continue for all core math classes. I felt anything we passed would be unnecessary since the math department had already solved the problem. As for the writing center, President Reilly had come and presented on that. His presentation consisted of a concept that would have graduate students doing advising and would cost about 1/3 of the current writing center and would still be free to students. The bill regarding Senate pay did not pass, and I proposed an amendment that was brought forth to me by a constituent after looking it over. Corinna, I have taken many things that you tell me into account, some things I take action on, some I don't. I do value your opinions, if I didn't, I wouldn't take the time to respond right now. I was elected to decide what is important and the best way to go about things. That is what I have tried to do. If you have been unhappy with me, you had two other business Senators that were available to you. Usually I have good reason for doing what I do. I'm sorry if you feel dissatisfied, but I have done my best to serve the University. As for the minutes not being up to date, I'm not sure why that is because the Secretary told us last night that everything was in order.

  4. Jennifer,

    Thank you for your explanation. Like I said, there was a different solution you were seeking. The solution for the Math center, as I understand it, would limit assistance to Math 127 and below--no calculus. That was the information I got from one of the center tutors, so I don't know how accurate it is. I know I have received a lot of assistance from the Math center for my calculus work, and I hope they are able to continue offering assistance for 100 and 200 level classes.

    The solution for the writing center doesn't seem that great, but something is better than nothing. Hopefully, the tutors in the writing center will be compensated; otherwise, they might not have the incentive necessary to provide a quality service.

    For the Senate Pay, I didn't' realize the bill was not passed. I noticed amendments to it passing and that's the last I heard of it. Thanks for the update.

    I haven't been unhappy with you, and I appreciate the times you have heard me out. The Senate has a property about it which seems to encourage a type of us-versus-them tribalism in reaction to outside criticism, and I have found this to be a barrier with many of my representatives throughout my four years at UNR.

  5. maybe it was your tone Corinnaman DOI!
