Sunday, March 8, 2009

Something's Not Jiving Here

Exhibit A:

Jessica Purney wrote
at 8:31pm on February 6th, 2009
I was just a club commissioner do you give away your stipend for private scholarships? Because you do in fact make more than a senator does.

John Russell wrote
at 8:33pm on February 6th, 2009
Actually, I haven't even gotten my employment paperwork in yet. When I signed up as a commissioner, I had no idea it was a stipend deal until well within the first semester.

Exhibit B:
Anonymous said...
Since payment of public officers is public record I inquired with the ASUN offices to see if Mr.Russell had received his paycheck or adhered to his platform of altruism. Mr Russell received his check on 12/31/2008, after the START political party had already begun... can anyone say...hypocrite?

Exhibit C: [INSERT IMAGE OF CHECK WITH SMALL-MAN RUSSELL'S ENDORSEMENT HERE] (Okay, we can't actually get the image of the check, but we know he cashed it.)

Game. Set. Match.


  1. Actually START didn't "start" until about the first week of school for the spring '09 semester. Their platform wasn't finalized, their members not chosen, their ideas, plans, and intent went unrealized until then. Though a website might have been up, START's platform was finished when their members signed up for the election (the last week in January basically).

    NT, though.

  2. That doesn't really change the fact that the leader of the group took a paycheck from ASUN. If he felt so strongly about this whole "volunteer" thing, than why would he take one? Especially if he knew he was going to run for office. And the question still hasn't really been answered if the money from that check went into this "scholarship fund." If it hasn't, it should, and if he refuses, he should take that off the platform.

    Live by the sword, die by it.

  3. bald-faced lies...what else will they lie about if elected? why did he outright lie to Purney? Bottom-line, you can't trust START.

  4. The problem with an anonymous watchdog blog such as this is that they cannot gather all the facts and are not liable to misinformation and complete speculation. Instead, such a group is only able to speculate amongst ill-perceived motifs and "articles" within the comment section. Pathetic.

    I feel I must defend this outright lie simply because many of my coworkers seem to have a fascination of reading such incredible journalism. This is libel in its truest form.

    When I became a club commissioner over the summer of 2008, I was forced to fill out and sign a huge packet, from anti-discrimination papers to sexual harassment agreements. One of the papers I signed was employment paperwork. Naturally, I filled it out. I had no idea I was getting paid until someone told me when I went to the "retreat". At this point, I was not about to challenge getting paid simply because I had no idea what the position entailed, or if there was a better reason than what I could see as to why people are paid. Besides, I had absolutely no idea what the ASUN was about or how greedy and wasteful they were until much much later in my experience with it. This is why the employment paperwork was in order.
    By the time I discovered what the ASUN is really all about and when I decided to take action and organize, research, and draft START, I was already in the machine and the payment was already deposited. I am employed at another location in the university, and I am currently signed up for direct deposit. I never "cashed a check"; it simply showed up one day on my bank statement as NSHE direct deposit. A call for an all voluntary student senate was not actualized until weeks into the spring semester, well after I received the "NSHE" payment for the FALL semester. This payment was received BEFORE I felt that paid positions in ASUN were a total joke.

    This is one of the only times I will comment here, simply because it is falsely spreading lies of my integrity. I am truly disgusted with anyone who ANONYMOUSLY and hatefully spreads lies, and I am saddened at anyone who actually considers such "reporting" as trustworthy.
