Thursday, March 5, 2009

START comment

It strikes me as funny that a group committed so strongly to the cause of self-disenfranchisement is endeavoring to elect nearly a dozen of its company to office.


  1. True.

    And whatever happened to their daily posts on their website?

    "Each day for the next two weeks we will be adding a small vignette explicating who we are and what we stand for."

    Maybe they forgot the definition of "each day." Or perhaps they ran out of bullshit to spew forth to the electorate.

  2. Maybe AG Lindsey is helping them with their definitions

  3. Maybe some of us have classes and tests and jobs and other things to do. I do apologize for missing a few days. We shall resume. And either March 9 or 10 is when it will end...Though I guess the important ending date is the 12th.
