Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Beginning of the End...

“This is the most important election of your life.” You’ve heard that statement with each election you’ve lived through. If you’ve come to this blog, you believe it.

Last night the Chair of the ASUN Election Commission held the mandatory candidate meeting, a meeting at which the rules of the election are distributed and candidates informed of their obligations under the Election Code. At this meeting the attendees learned that “dissemination” really means whatever Lindsey Sanford, the ASUN Attorney General, thinks it means. Scary. If you’d like to know more, stay tuned.

The purpose of this blog is to wade through all the bullshit that the candidates, the ASUN government, and the press will be saying about this upcoming election. We've created this blog because this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ASUN election in the last 100 years. The next Senate and president will have to deal with possibly cataclysmic cuts to our beloved University of Nevada (if you’re expecting more after “Nevada”, sorry, you’ve come to the wrong blog.)

This blog will NOT endorse ANY candidate. We will simply translate for the average student what these student-politicians really mean and what their real records are.

Comments are welcome; no need to give you name—we didn't. But if you really dislike any of the candidates and feel that he (or she, or it) being elected or reelected is the worst thing in the world, don't just post a comment, get out there any help the opponent get elected. We certainly wouldn’t want a repeat of Steven ‘Chem-Bomb’ Caloiaro (75th Session) or Lee ‘let me smell your seat’ Massey.

Just do something. Anything. Except sit this one out.


  1. Tim,
    I don't get it... Isn't the attorney general supposed to interpret the law? I would rather read about the candidates then your personal vendetta. What's the significance of the wolf?

  2. I'm trying to gain confidence that your translation will really serve the average student. What are your qualifications ?

  3. ok, I am flattered that people think that this blog is written by me but it is not. asunwatchdog is me. I do not support internet anonymity, get it? good.
