Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vis Lupi Est Grex -- A New-ish Start

Along with the new look of the blog, there will be a shift in focus and tone. Instead of examining and critiquing the minutiae of what ASUN does, instead of examining the personal lives of the leaders of the Association, instead of delving into the often dreary pedantry of parliamentary procedure, we will be endeavoring to engage in high level analysis and discussion of campus issues and the role we see ASUN being able to play in such issues.

We will not write legislation, we will suggest possibilities. We will not attack inane ideas, we will propose new ones. And in doing so, perhaps we will be able to contribute to the conversations that occur within ASUN. Perhaps we will be able to help make a difference on the University of Nevada campus.

In an effort to encourage open debate and discussion within the confines of this forum, comment moderation will be turned off. If you choose to make an ass of yourself, anonymously or not, that is your decision. We will be striving to avoid making asses of ourselves.

We hope that you will have the conviction of character to attach your name to your comments. Everyone who contributes to this blog, from now on, will be required to use their real name.

It is our simple hope to contribute in some way to the discussions that help shape our campus.