Thursday, February 5, 2009

Open Letter to the Candidates RE: Campaign Materials

Dear Candidates,

With the "deadline" for dissemination of campaign literature fast approaching, —it's tomorrow—I would encourage all of you to refuse to accept the AG's "opinion" on this matter. The AG's job is not to create law, not to change law, not to amend current code; her job is to read the Code and give her interpretation of what it means. The meaning behind this code is quite clear: the entire purpose is to allow the Election Commission to track who is using what. That way if during the election someone posts a sign that says, "FUCK ELI REILLY", they could use this provision in the Code to punish a candidate who put that up. The purpose behind this section is not to make the commission's life "easier"; it's to ensure accountability.

For you candidates who wish to be Senators, I ask you, what's your interpretation? Since you want to make the laws of the Association, it would be nice to know what your thoughts are. I'm sure that most of you would agree that you have no idea what you'll be using one month from now.

My advice—feel free to take it or leave it—DON'T COMPLY. I think all the candidates should give a big flip of the bird to Ms. Sanford and her "opinions." The only way you could be punished is if she filed a case against you. And if you look at her record, that isn't going to happen. And even if it did, she would have to prove to the Judicial Council that she was right.

There is a clear cost-benefit analysis that you have to do: is it better to wait and actually have a good sign and possibly be prosecuted and still win? Or to abide by this idiotic "opinion" and possibly lose your election. Your number one job as a candidate is to win, and as far as I can see, the benefits clearly outweigh the costs in this matter.

I hope you take this advice and the Commission's box is empty tomorrow morning.


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