Monday, February 1, 2010

University e-mail going bye-bye

Some of our more "in" readers may know that in a budget saving move, NSHE System Computing Services will no longer provide centralized, systemwide student e-mail support. This means that Fallon Mail is going bye-bye. The Nevada Sagebrush reported on this back in September, after a senator mentioned it during a Senate meeting.

Each campus has the option to implement replacement services for students. Many students expressed displeasure, arguing that cutting student e-mail service would make it much more difficult for students to prove eligibility for online software discounts.

The lesser university in the southern portion of the state, Nevada Southern (a/k/a University of Nevada, Las Vegas), is replacing their student e-mail system with Google Mail, which is provided free to educational institutions.

So if UNLV can afford the nominal increase in costs for existing staff to manage the system, why can't Nevada? It isn't because UNLV is better than Nevada, is it?

And why isn't the ASUN Senate doing anything about this? You want to tackle something that matters to students, this is a great issue.

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