Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's what it doesn't say that matters

Recently, the Associated Students released a statement by ASUN President Eli Reilly denouncing Russell Athletic for its alleged workers' rights violations at its recently closed Jerzees de Honduras plant. ASUN, through its bookstore, is a licensee and customer of Russell Athletic merchandise. Apparently, the ASUN Senate has been conducting an investigation into these matters, although it must've been a big secret since it never appeared on an agenda (which is interesting because Reilly's statement says that "members of the Associated Student (sic) Senate have conducted thorough research and analysis" of this issue.

The matter of the workers' rights violations isn't what is interesting to us, although it is good that the ASUN will be denouncing Russell Athletic's behavior by taking their business elsewhere. What's interesting is the fact that this joint statement between ASUN's executive and legislative branches wasn't signed on to by the Senate's leader, Gracie Geremia. Instead it was Phantom Committee chairman Brandon Bishop who joined Reilly in the statement. What, Gracie not good enough?

What's even more interesting is that the statement implies that the Senate stands behind the message, yet there's been no action by the Senate on this subject.


  1. I too am extremely dissapointed and slightly angered by Bishop's signature on the letter. The senate has not announced an opinion either way. Bishop, you are great parliamentarian, but you need to calm down and remember your place. You are a committee chairman, NOT our leader.

    To clarify though, the business regarding Russell HAS been on a few interim agendas.

  2. I suppose I could hide behind my (correct) view that the Interim Committee was not properly constituted and thus whether this was on an agenda is irrelevant, but I stand corrected.

  3. Are Gracie's days numbered and she doesn't know it?

  4. hah yeah seriously... this makes it look like mr bishop is in the beginning stage of a coup!

    vive le revolucion!

  5. I don't know if I'd go that far, to suggest Ms. Geremia will be deposed from power, but it certainly gives one reason to wonder why she didn't sign off on this. Did she not know about it? It's no secret that she and Reilly are like water and oil, and perhaps that explains it. There's more to this that isn't readily apparent.

  6. ...ick. Put stuff on agendas. That is what they are there for. Please and thank you. Mr.Bishop, be careful about signing things in the name of the Senate when the body has not actually been consulted...last year others made comments on behalf of the senate *cough* Turtle *cough* which were totally off base and misguided. that doesn't seem to be the case here, but still, a bad habit to start. And finally, is anyone going to fix this phantom committee thing or what?

  7. As a Liberal Arts student, I am severely disappointed in Mr. Bishop. The letter was manure for various of reasons, and this is one of them.

    Also, why would the ASUN Bookstore continue to sell supplies when they admitted that they were suspicious of Russel Athletic and their violations of workers' rights? It couldn't hurt that much, I'm sure this the lowest point in business for them during the year anyways.

  8. I can think of a few reasons why they'd continue to sell this tainted inventory. One, they'd have to take a significant loss on unsold inventory. Two, this could seriously impact the revenue stream into ASUN scholarship offerings, as the statement points out. Three, it might take longer to find a new supplier than the summer will last. Imagine coming to school in the fall only to find no Wolf Pack-branded apparel. Probably not a smart move. Further, as far as Russell Athletics is concerned, ASUN has already paid for this merchandise. Selling it to the consumer won't change the fact they've already received their money.

  9. Well, nothing wrong with sacrificing a few things to cut all ties with a company that has been pretty much proven to have violated some workers' rights. Maybe it's the Anarcho-syndicalist within me, but I wouldn't sell the merchandise either way. You are sending a message rather you like it or not by selling it.

  10. I'll bet you children in Africa with no real clothing wouldnt want you to throw the clothes away, Eric.

    No wasting. i think it is good they've cut ties.

  11. Why not just take everything off and give it to charity then?

  12. Eric, you really need to shut up. Your not being logical here. Getting rid of that product after we already PAID for it would just be stupid. The money has already been spent, it does no good to waste thousands of STUDENT dollars because a company MIGHT be dirty. The bookstore did the right thing by breaking the contract, but anything more is just dumb.

    I think the real story here is about how a committee chair is signing for the entire Senate... Has Gracie just given up on ASUN? Or is Brandon making a power play?

  13. I don't know about you, but I find it pathetic that our own state-funded university can't be arsed to put in scholarship money themselves, and isntead wants it to be profit driven.

    But hey, continue to speak out against trying to change the system for the better, it certainly needs more justification.

  14. WTF are you talking about? You obviously don't know what your talking about. The University is not "profit driven", far from it. Not to mention the fact that they put in hundreds of thousands of dollars towards scholarships.

    The bookstore is just ANOTHER scholarship opportunity on top of many for students. The bookstore is "not-for-profit" which means that any "profit" it makes, goes DIRECTLY to students.

    Get your facts straight before you open your mouth.

  15. I agree with 7:32 a.m. The more interesting story is about Gracie. Did she find out that being speaker isn't as glamorous as she thought? More hard and boring work than she expected?

  16. Can we have a vis lupi post analyzing what Bishop did? like, is it ok, did it cross a line, etc

  17. @9:15 a.m.

    Yeah, I suppose we could do that.

  18. Anonymous,

    You should do some research. The University may be public, but there is a reason we rely so much on the ASUN Bookstore and AD for the basis of our funding.

  19. Are you learning impaired Eric?

    The University doesn't get a DIME from the bookstore, it's totally self funded, and any extra they make goes towards scholarships. I'm not sure what you mean by "ad" because that makes no sense frankly. Any advertising would cost money.... And any revenue it generated would go towards to the bookstore, which and I've answered this, WOULD GO TO THE STUDENTS. If you mean advertising for the University as in recruitment, thats even more dumb, because the University is funded 80/20, 80% is from the STATE and 20% is from tuition or fees. Again that has nothing to do with the bookstore. You really need to get some basic facts before you shoot your mouth off.

    I think you read this blog to make yourself feel smart, but unless your able to do your own research and thinking, instead of just repeating what Lupus says, your still dumb. If you want to learn about the bookstore and how it's funded, talk to Sandy, Marie, Eli, really anyone in ASUN and they will give you an education. The bookstore is not an enemy, in fact ASUN would have huge problems without it. ASUN uses the bookstore and it's "Capital account" as basically a credit card, when it's short on cash or hasn't gotten enough cash in yet to cover costs, they borrow from the BOOKSTORE's account (the capital account) to cover themselves until they get more income. And before you blow an ass blister over that, it's what most businesses do and if you look in the Treasury Act passed 2 years ago, it's perfectly legal.

    Just because you didn't get picked to sit on the Senate doesn't mean you should be a douchebag for the rest of your time here. You've already pissed off every sports person on campus with your idiotic statements on football and basketball, do you really want to piss off the ASUN people too? 4 years is a long time without any friends...

  20. Who is more likely correct, Jordan? The one gets spoonfed, or the one who questions the authority? History says it is the latter.

    But in any case, Fuck you.

  21. Oh, and by AD, I meant the Athletic department.
